Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weigh In Day

Well, it's August 1, and that means weigh-in day. I'm officially 295 - a 1.6 pound loss since mid-July. I'm happy with this, especially since I'm working at letting go of the scale obsession, which is why I'm planning to only weigh-in once a month.

It's hard letting go of old habits though. I am reading "The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl," which is a great book by the way, and she uses Weight Watchers for her first 100 pound loss. I couldn't help but think, "Oh, maybe I should join WW!" But then I remember why that doesn't work for me, it encourages my obsessive behavior and makes me miserable and unhappy. This just comes back to "different strokes for different folks." I truly believe that each person is unique and thus, needs to design their own system that works for them.

Last night I had a solo movie night, and it was fun. I sort of expected myself to have some snacks (chocolate, chips) since I had bought some at the grocery store for that reason. But even though I preplanned this, giving myself that permission sort of changed the dynamic. I ended having a little bit of chocolate, macaroons, to be exact. I didn't have anything else, once again, having the permission and removing the 'good' and 'bad' food labels seems to be working for me. Who would have thunkit?

I took the dogs to the dog park yesterday. They have this great trail in the trees that has moderate terrain, which makes it a great walking workout, and of course, the dogs adore going there. We had a great walk together, and I felt like it was a good workout. The nice thing is how soft the trail is, which is a bit easier on the feet.

I'm on day 2 of a 4-day weekend. I think we're heading to the gym today to do some weights. I'm a little anxious, as I always am, when doing something new that involves groups of people, and potential judgement. Then I remember that everyone there is pretty much only worrying about themselves, in fact, many of them way be worrying just like I am, which gives them little time to judge me. The ego on me! Ha, like anyone is even going to care what I'm wearing/sweating/squatting. Plus I'm going with J, and it makes me a bit more relaxed with him there, working out with me. I even bought some new weight lifting gloves. He laughed at me saying, "Are you really going to be lifting that much weight that you need gloves?" I gave him 'the look' and explained that even if I'm only lifting 10 pound barbells at this point, it's nice to have that extra grip and not turns my hands into callused pieces of flesh. Let them laugh, I'm making muscles!

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