Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Maybe ranting is good thing every once in a while. I'm feeling a tiny bit better, but I'm also feeling frustrated about a bunch of things. First, I am getting sucked back into the "must lose weight to have a life" mentality, and I'm not happy about that. Second, I'm feeling impatient about work stuff, not knowing what's happening with my job description and what that is going to mean. Third, I'm worried about money, given the husband's career changeover and what that all means.

After writing that it seems that I have a few reasons to feel yucky. Instead of beating myself up for not feeling that great right now, maybe it would be more beneficial to be more gentle with myself. I hate how I can realize something, like the previous statement that I have told myself time and time again, and then forget it and then fall right back into old patterns. I guess it just takes a while to stick.

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