Friday, August 7, 2009

Conflicting Forces

Today should be Happy Friday, but instead I'm feeling the doldrums. I am still conflicted with the accepting my body as is vs. the need to get healthier. It is very hard to change old habits, and I mastered body-hatred a long time ago. So far I've found a few examples of women who lost weight and loved themselves, but so often I observe women losing weight through massive restriction and self loathing. How many reality series feature the fat woman who needs to lose weight to make life worth living?

This all ends up coming back to balance and working to create a healthy lifestyle. I'm still recovering from the attempt of reducing my meds, which is taking longer than I though. I am also struggling with digestive problems, supposedly IBS. This isn't making things any easier. I'm still fantasizing about crawling into bed and never coming out.

That's likely enough of a pity party for today, or at least until I have something more inspiring to write.

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