Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Morning Meh

Here it is, another Monday morning. I am feeling very tired, since neither J nor I slept well, and thus we kept each other awake with our tossing and turning. I wasn't very active this weekend, apart from doing chores going to the dog park for a short walk. But yesterday I did notice a bit of improvement in my mood (keep fingers crossed).

I am still trying to wrap my head around loving my body as is, and losing weight. While I don't want to start counting calories, I'm not sure if I can lose weight without doing that. J keeps saying that I should try to do it all through exercise, but I'm resistant to that mostly because of my need for balance. I don't want to become obsessed with exercise just like I have been obsessed with calories and/or food in the past.

So where does that leave me? I'm not quite sure yet. I'm doing better at listening to my body for hunger and satiety cues. I'm moving more. Still need to get more sleep during the weeknights. I guess I'll just have to wait and see at this point.

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