Friday, June 19, 2009

Almost Done

I am exactly five days away from scholastic freedom! I will be finishing my degree as of next Wednesday and I am incredibly excited and relieved. Getting my degree was a goal that I set a few years ago, and I am finally reaching that goal. This goal was to confirm that I CAN in fact finish what I start and that I can meet goals.

This leads me to ponder what my next main goal with be, which of course, is to get healthy and fit. I am a bit overwhelmed with all the noise out there on losing weight and dieting. There is just too much information, especially since so much of it is actually unhealthy and nonsense.

I stopped weighing myself for the last month or more, and it is has been very liberating. While I haven't been as active this semester, I fully intend on re-engaging in my master plan after next Wed. I've found a few other blogs that look quite inspiring, that I plan on reading more fully.