Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm Such a Beginner

I want to share a few things that I have realized over the last little while, and that have brought me to this realization: I don't know a whole lot, but I'm going to keep learning. OK, it sounds a bit like an after school special, but I have my reasons. You see, I'm really, REALLY new to the blogging world, and the Fat Acceptance movement and I'm pretty damn green in the feminism realm. I took a Women's Studies Course last summer and LOVED it. It brought into my awareness so many issues that I hadn't really thought through before. Obviously, it just scratched the surface, but it was a start. I'm reading quite a few blogs right now that are awakening my mind to so many amazing ideas, along with making me more aware of my own privilege.

When I first started this blog, I thought of using it as a weight-loss journal. But I'm realizing now that I don't want to go down the route of only focusing on weight. I want to explore my own self-acceptance. I want to move beyond my years of being blinded by my own ignorance. You see, for most of my life I assumed that I was the problem - if I just lost weight and got smaller/thinner/prettier that I would fit in and my life would be great. Now I'm pretty sure that's just bullshit. My appearance is not the problem - the way people are treated based on their appearance is the problem. I want to better understand this and contribute positively to the fat acceptance movement, along with accepting all people no matter what their situation is (i.e. race, religion, disability, sexual preference, etc.). I want to learn about other women's viewpoints, not just women like me, but every voice.

What I'm trying to say is, I think this blog will evolve into something much more than it is now. It is in its infancy, and I hope to create something real here.

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