Friday, April 3, 2009

Remember When

For some reason I was thinking about high school this morning on my drive into work. Specifically, I was remembering my first boyfriend, and how terrible he was for my self-esteem. You see, in high school I was pretty fit, and I didn't really have a weight problem. But this bf was a really insecure jerk, and yes, I put up with it for 3 years. He was very good at keeping my confidence low and affirming that I was overweight and unattractive. I realize now that this was because he was incredibly insecure and jealous. What better way to keep your girlfriend in line than to tell her that people make fun of her behind her back and that she is lucky to even have a boyfriend. Sigh. I realize that there is no point kicking myself for this, but oh how I would love to go back in time and give this guy a good ass-kicking, verbally of course. I think it would feel pretty damn good to set the record straight with him. But perhaps bygones should be bygones. Since now I have a husband who cherishes all of me. His biggest concern in my health, and he certainly does wonders for my self-esteem. Of course, I am well aware that it is ME who should be in charge of my self-esteem, not any outside influence. But let's admit it, it doesn't hurt to have a big fan of all things me ;-)

I had a good fit day yesterday, since I walked at lunch and then did upper body resistance training last night. I am feeling stronger every day, which is a nice change. I'm still holding my breath for the increase in energy.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

This is a great idea Amber - thank you for sharing it with me! I'm here for you while you go on this journey. Keep your mantra running through your head: 'I'm taking my life back!'