Monday, April 20, 2009

Hurray - It's Working!

Mondays are my official weigh-in day, even if I do peek once or twice in between. Today's weight: 293.8!

So I'm down 6.2 pounds since I began a few weeks ago. I have to admit that I am somewhat surprised that this is working, especially since I haven't really changed my eating: I'm still having chocolate on a regular basis. I actually feel like I'm eating more than usual, because I'm listening to my body and eating when it says, "Hey you, I'm hungry." And when I'm not hungry, I don't force myself to eat.

I'm loving the workouts. In fact, today my calves are REALLY sore because I did lower weights yesterday. It feels so good to move! I know that there are other people like me, who used to be fit, but sort of lost it over the years. We got used to being lazy and sedentary and enjoyed it. Before, the thought of having to exercise would make me grimace. Now, I'm pleasantly surprised by how good it feels to lift weights, to push myself in my cardiovascular activities, and lets not forget stretching (which is still a growth area for me).

So it really feels like a new day has begun, so to speak. The old, lazier me is being displaced by the new energetic, more active me. Goodbye old me, hello new me!

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