Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gym Day

Well, we went to Millennium Place today to get a gym membership. It was mobbed with people due to a volleyball tournament of junior high girls. God, I do not have any desire to go back to being 12 again, what a nightmare!

Anyhow, we signed up and went to workout. There were quite a few people in the fitness centre, and a lot of them were inspiring to me. Despite being completely self-conscious, I did manage to get a good lower body strength training session in with J. Of course, he does a lot more weight than I do at this point, but I think that over time I will get stronger.

At the end we were stretching and there was this women doing push ups on a stability ball. She had the tips of her toes on the ball and was doing push-ups like it was the easiest thing in the world. Now that is someone who is fit! It is inspiring to see people like this at the gym, because it reminds me that fit bodies are not a given, that they take lots of work and commitment.

So we're going to try to go swimming at least once a week, and we have to do lower body workouts there because we just don't have that kind of equipment at home. I suppose it forces me out of my shell too. People like me who are overweight and/or out-of-shape shouldn't feel self-conscious at the gym. I almost want to get a shirt that says, "I'm working on it!" Then again, I don't owe anyone an explanation of where I am in my journey, nor do I need to justify my right to be at the gym. Amen sister!

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