Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Struggles Ahead

This is harder than I thought it was going to be. Last night I sort of decided that I need to have a better appreciation for my body, instead of having such a big hate-on for it. It's my fault that I'm obese and out of shape. My body has just reacted to its environment, and done it's best to function. That may sound a bit loopy, but it just makes sense to me.

I'm finding it hard to resist eating at night, when I'm watching TV. I work all day, go for my walk at lunch, come home and make dinner, feed and play with the dogs, and then I usually take an hour or two to decompress in front of the tube. Then the need to eat strikes. Last night I managed to get by with water, since I'm pretty sure I wasn't actually hungry. The night prior I had some chips. Luckily we're almost out of junkie type foods at home, and I'm doing my best not to replenish them. J's good in that way, he's cool with me not bringing home junk food.

I'm tracking my intake on fitday and I see that I'm still consuming too much fat overall. My goal for today is to reach 30% or less in fat. And perhaps to aim for 2200 calories instead of 2400. I'm going to be having a lunch tomorrow that will likely but me over the top, so I'm preparing for it.

I'm also trying to rid myself of my celebrity gossip addiction. It's a guilty sort of pleasure, and with all the free online sites, it's way too easy to access. J calls it 'porn.' Humph.

1 comment:

Laika said...

You can do it! Thanks for sending this link my way, I am absolutely pulling for you, you are one of the most lovely people I've ever known. I know you've got what it takes.

One thing I do to combat the late night snack attack is to have cut up vegetables in the fridge at all times. It's often boredom, or fatigue that gets me prowling, so I used to grab the chips because they take no time to prepare.

I give myself permission to eat any and all vegetables I want, so by the time I figure out my hunger was an unacknowledged emotion, or a signal that I should go to bed, I haven't sabotaged myself.

If I think I really am hungry, I have some beef jerky. The protein actually makes me feel full, and it's pretty low in calories/fat. Also, it's some work to chew, so I can't eat it that fast :)
