Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Facts

Yes to FA. Yes to health. And yes to losing some weight. There seems to be mixed opinions on losing weight while subscribing to the Fat Acceptance ideology. I have decided that for me, I need to lose some weight for health reasons. And it is through loving and accepting my body as worthwhile that I am going to achieve this. So I'm putting up my stats chart again, and I'm going to weigh in once a month, like previously. I want to get down 10 pounds and see how I feel. Then I'll go from there. Although I suspect that I'll want to get lighter still. This is a personal decision that I am making for my own reasons. I am not implying that anyone else should need to lose weight.

Here's my September 1 prize, a new pair of Dansko clogs:

I can't wait to get them! I hope they fit!

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