Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bottled Up Too Long

So as per my usual tendencies, I have been pretty stressed up lately, and hence, have been avoiding writing, despite the fact that writing is the best way to release. I am here now, so I suppose I'm doing something about it.

I'm almost halfway through my last semester to complete my degree, and while I assumed that I would be floating on air during this time, I am actually dragging so low that I don't think I've ever felt this 'down' when something good is on the horizon. I don't think it's anything to worry about, I am just really tired and in need of a break. But it just so happens that said break won't occur for another 4 weeks. To cope with all this, I've been eating too much junk, and thus feeling a bit blah. I've cut back on my workouts because of sheer time constraints, but I am still managing to walk at least 4-6 times per week, albeit at a more leisurely pace. I refuse to 'overdo' it by creating a pressurized environment where I need to work out hard 7 days a week on top of working full-time and going to class 14 hours a week, plus all the homework and chores. No wonder I feel like shit!

It suddenly hit me today when I was once again mulling over how to feel better about this all - hello, you need to vent through writing. "Get it out!" my inner voice demanded! And how right it is, as I'm feeling a bit better already. I am reminded about a few things that I need to keep in the front of my mind, so as to put things in perspective:
  • I have already successfully completed 18 classes, in addition to my previous diploma and 2 other years of post-secondary. Why on earth should I worry about my success of these last 2 classes?
  • I can increase or decrease the stress level, based on what I focus on and how I balance the other things in my life. Hmmmm, the obvious choice seems so simple when I look at it this . . .
  • I ONLY have 4 weeks to go, which includes writing my final exams. Then all done!
  • After I'm done my degree, I can take a very much deserved break for a while, and collect myself, get back on track with my other goals, such as fitness.
  • I deserve to take care of myself - I am worth it. Hey, I think Revlon took stole my line.

Now I can see that I will get through it. Perhaps I should relish these last 4 weeks, and observe. Especially since I don't know if I'll ever go back again.

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